The main points of marketing, advertising, and propaganda are to put a product, idea, thought, or way of life out there, and trying to make other people become interested in them. The difference between them however, is how they do it. In my opinion, marketing is using positive and negative facts about something, to make people learn and appreciate it. This may turn them on to it or make them become interested in it. There is no harm done, and little persuasion. Advertising however, is more of an attempt to make people fall for a certain item, thought, product, idea, or way of life. In advertising, more positive information will be given than negative information, if any negative information is given whatsoever. Because of this, people may not see all the information available and may be lead on. Propaganda, to me, is an attempt to lead people astray and turn them on to something any way the person wants them to. The person doing the act may tell lies, or talk about negative information on the opposing things. This will steer the target towards their item or idea. Propaganda, in my opinion, is more of a negative thing than a positive thing.
Do you think propaganda is bad, or do you think it is just as fair as marketing and advertising?